The material used in Invisalign braces developed from technology created by NASA, bringing remarkable strength and an ability to absorb light.
Invisalign are a technology company, led by a vision to help patients. As in the video, braces are part of people’s lives, they should be comfortable, personalised to meet your needs and bring great results.
Alongside being a discrete, almost invisible option, orthodontists and patients respect Invisalign because of their proven performance.
A Broad Solution
Custom made, Invisalign clear aligners can move your teeth horizontally, vertically, or by gentle rotation. They are made to match the anatomy of your teeth and to precisely control tooth movement.
There can be cases where Invisalign is not the best solution and our orthodontists will always offer impartial advice. For the majority of people, they are a sound choice and come in a variety of forms:
- Invisalign i7 – For milder cases and as the name suggests, you only need 7 sets of clear aligners, over about 3 months.
- Invisalign Lite – Suited to needs where Invisalign i7 would not quite be sufficient, treatment lasts approximately 6 months.
- Invisalign Full – Designed to manage a range of orthodontic conditions, completion can take 12 months, or a little longer.
- Invisalign Teen – Invisalign Full with additional features, to allow for the emergence of adult teeth and to monitor time worn.
Your orthodontist will work with you to make a choice, have the Invisalign braces tailor made and build in any additional care you require. By all means see more on the technology used and independent research on Invisalign.
User Friendly Treatment
Our practice uses the latest iTero intraoral scanner, made by Invisalign, with no need for messy impressions. The system is a digital match for Invisalign manufacturing systems and their Outcome Simulator.
A new set of aligners will be sent to you about every two weeks, to maintain the correct tooth movement. Whilst we are always available, this reduces the number of surgery visits compared to other options.
Invisalign and our staff are in constant online communication, ensuring all is going to plan. This tends to be the case, the artificial intelligence systems used by Invisalign are built on data from millions of patients.
Clear aligner change intervals are set precisely for you, part of the reason Invisalign acts quickly. The predictability they bring is a key factor in achieving the outcome you want, a fine smile for life.
With two orthodontics specialists at our West London practice and long experience with Invisalign, we will be pleased to offer all the support and advice you need.