Dental implants remain the most natural answer for tooth loss, attracting research of their own. Our team are pleased to contribute, Fadi Barack was the lead author on a review of UK training in implant dentistry.
The impact of a surgeon’s ability on implant success has itself been researched, including a 2017 review based on 2,670 patients, who received over 10,000 implants.
Other factors came into play, from medication use, to implant location and quality but expertise mattered. The study concluded that an implantologist’s technique, skills and judgment influence implant survival rates.
Measuring Permanent Solutions
Properly executed, an implant is intended to be a lifetime solution. A good percentage are, although a wide spread of research programs have identified reasons why they may not last as we would all wish:
- Implants require the same care as normal teeth. Patients with higher levels of disease due to poor oral hygiene can see this continue.
- Whilst wishing to save cost is understandable, the quality of manufacture and materials used has a direct correlation with success.
- An accepted reason for failure is peri-implantitis, an inflammatory process affecting the soft and hard tissues surrounding implants.
- Poor bone quality, or lack of bone volume affect implant failure rates, accurate diagnosis and good pre implant treatment matter.
The latter of those does not mean many people need to be excluded from implants. A 2017 study looked at patients where sound procedures had been used for bone restoration and found long term success rates to be favourable.
Similar thoughts can apply to a range of specific needs. Research into patients with bruxism (tooth grinding) and implants found their use was viable, subject to treatment by accredited oral implantologists.
Essential Take Aways
We would encourage anyone who wishes to review research to do so, some papers are restricted but there is still an ample supply of implant studies online.
A proportion are on tightly defined topics, such as techniques for bone restoration, or surfacing implants to avoid infection. They are invaluable to us and may be to patients, although wider themes tend to help with decision making.
Research of that nature almost always reinforces central points. As with any restoration, understanding and preparation matter, along with the quality of dental implant materials and the staff who use them.
This makes competing on price irrational, our prices are reasonable but we would never cut corners, on implant systems, or procedures. Our infection control is exceptional, advice to patients on post treatment care is thorough, for as long as you wish.
Our team share in the pleasure of bringing a lifetime smile you enjoy, avoiding unseen issues, or costs. A research based approach helps, allowing us to share additional expertise and provide up to date care.